About the Organization


The Youth Advocators Productive Integrated Service, Inc. also known as YAPIS was founded on October 1, 2005 by fifteen young men and women. The members of the Organization include the young professionals, student volunteers and members of the various youth organizations.

The Organization has adopted its Saying “Together We Advocate Willful Services” guided by the members’ commitment to promote volunteerism in the community. The Organization also works with the TINGOG Organization, a student party list of MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, organized by YAPIS, to further engage in the various community and civic activities.

Moreover, the members of the Organization take part in the different projects and undertakings through their active involvement in a variety of planning sessions, workshops and seminars/trainings. This serves as an avenue for the members to develop and plan on doable and meaningful projects and activities that will benefit to their personal and professional development.

The Organization is being managed by the Board of Directors headed by the Chief Director. Furthermore, a Council of Advocates has been established to give support and advice to the Board of Directors, and to develop policy and oversee the operations of the Organization at the highest level. The Board has organized three committees that will serve as principal venues for active participation of the members, along with this are the educational development, community service and events. Likewise, special projects were initiated by the Council of Advocates to encourage more active involvement and partnership among the members of the organization.

As prime movers of volunteerism, the members are expected to share their time, effort and resources that would enable the Organization achieve its goals. As potent volunteer force, the members are expected to gain the experience and feel the spirit the long lasting bond of Friendship through Service. 

  1. To develop leadership skills
  2. To provide opportunities for personal development of an individual.
  3. To recognize, observe, promote, and achieve moral standards as leadership qualities and professional responsibilities.

A Yapian shall uphold the values of WE CRAFT statement of the organization: Willingness to join the organization, Exhibit competence; Commitment to the advocacy and to the principles set forth by the organization, Responsible to the needs of a practical task, respect to yourself and to others, Ability to serve the community, Friendly to all people and; Time to participate.

Each member of the organization shall attend at least 60% of the organizations regularly scheduled meetings per year. Members are required to participate in all activities including meetings, community service, events, trainings/seminars, presentations and other major activities of the organization.